IP Address Blog Updates for October 20, 2011

‘Duqu’ virus targets industrial-control systems http://bit.ly/oKrsUJ

Oracle Trial With Google Over Java Patents, Android Postponed From Oct. 31 bloom.bg/rekNpW

BASIS takes steps to defend its BBx OS language, database and toolset trade-mark after RIM announces its BBX OS natpo.st/rnfUGJ

Ryerson University settles dispute with Maple Leafs over use of Maple Leaf Gardens on historic arena bit.ly/oPuOMd

Patent licensing raises tech sector’s pulse natpo.st/nX6jDy

Ontario finally allows sales of Crystal Head vodka bit.ly/ovPDn1

Supreme Court of Canada: Mere hyperlinking to defamatory content is not publication & therefore is not defamation bit.ly/oU5nyu

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