IP Address Blog Updates for April 10, 2012

Europe’s Data Security Laws Clear Some Clouds, Muddle Others http://zite.to/HyBwUd

Australia | Privacy risks plague cloud computing, says commissioner http://zite.to/HyBiwq

DuPont in fresh fight over patent violation allegations http://zite.to/HFjHnX

Yahoo files e-book advert patents http://zite.to/HyAuYk

Quoi? ‘Unlawful’ tweets could undermine upcoming elections in France http://zite.to/Hy5h8s

The impact of social media on trade-mark litigation | Juice maker Lassonde pays up after social media outcry http://bit.ly/IGf4GP

Louis Vuitton Presses ‘Hangover II’ Handbag Lawsuit http://bit.ly/If8lK2

Get Ready For The Tidal Wave Of Drug Patent Expirations http://bit.ly/If7LMk

Controversial French Ad Campaign for Photographers’ Rights http://zite.to/HCIpWC

AOL Deal Spotlights Rising Price for Tech Patents http://zite.to/If9vnI

Intellectual Property news on AOL, Sanofi, Rosetta Stone, Google: http://zite.to/If9i3X

German Courts at Center of Tech Rivals’ Patent Fights http://goo.gl/XRKqX

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